Insanity:Max30 Update

I just finished month one of Max30 and let me tell you it challenges me every day! It’s been a month of mentally getting through some tough workouts and beating my last max-out time. A month of telling myself I can keep going even when I want to stop. ShaunT knows how to bring it and I’m finding my endurance is up, my strength is improved, and mentally I’m reaching new limits that I ever thought I was capable of before. While my “stats” haven’t changed much, I’ve lost some inches in my waist and I’m looking leaner than day one, and I’ve actually increased the circumference of my arms (not a ton ladies, don’t worry you’re not going to bulk up) but they are looking more shapely and strong! I have to be honest, I need to key in on my nutrition a little better so during this second month that will be a priority.

Today, I revisited T25’s Total Body Circuit. If you’ve ever tried this one, you know that it is one of the most difficult workouts in the T25 series and today I made it through with my greater ease than ever before. Now, it is still not easy but my endurance is WAY up after a month of Insanity:Max30 and I felt much more accomplished! It was so fulfilling to see progress in a workout that previously whooped my B-U-T-T!

I followed Total Body Circuit with Ab Attack and made it through that whole workout too! Endurance has never exactly been my strong suit so I’m finding complete satisfaction in really pushing to my max and overcoming those mental blocks of doubting how much I can do. I make progress everyday and I’m committed to finishing this program at the end of this month!

Below are my day one and 30-day progress photos, stay tuned for my final results!



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